Calculate Age-related Expression and Heterogeneity Changes

calc.het(exprmat, age, age_in = "days", age_to = "pw-0.25",
  batch_corr = "NC", modex = "linear", tr_log2 = T,
  sc_features = T, covariates = NA, het_change_met = "spearman",
  padj_met = "fdr")



a numeric matrix with the expression values, where columns are the samples and rows are probesets, transcripts, or genes.


a numeric vector, where the names correspond to samples (the same as colnames of the given matrix).


type of the age vector, allowed values are days or years. defaults to 'days'


final format of age vector. allowed values are 'years', 'days', 'pw-N', and 'lg-N', where N is any number. 'pw' means power. e.g. pw-0.5 means sqrt(age), and 'lg' means log, e.g. lg-2 means log2(age).defaults to 'pw-0.25'


batch correction strategy. available values are i) NC: No Correction, ii) QN: Quantile Normalization, iii) LR: Linear regression (requires covariates), iv) SVA: surrogate variable analysis, v) LR+QN: Linear regression followed by quantile normalization, and vi) SVA+QN: SVA followed by quantile normalization. Defaults to 'NC'.


expression change calculation method. 'linear' or 'loess', defaults to 'linear'


logical to set log2 transforming expression matrix. defaults to TRUE.


logical to set whether to scale features. defaults to TRUE.


a list of covarietes where each element is a vector with sampleIDs as names


heterogeneity change calculation method. 'LR', for 'linear regression', or and correlation method accepted by cor.test() function.


method for multiple test correction. value is passed to 'p.adjust' function. defaults to 'fdr'.


a list object with summary results including expression level and heterogeneity changes, input values, intermediate values, and heterogeneity matrix.


sampnames = paste('sample',1:20,sep='') myexp <- sapply( 1:20, function(i){ rnorm(n = 10000, mean = sample(1:3, 1), sd = sample(c(1, 3), 1)) }) rownames(myexp) = paste('gene', 1:10000, sep = '') colnames(myexp) = sampnames agevec <- sample(20:80,20) names(agevec) = sampnames het_result <- calc.het(myexp, agevec, age_in = 'years', tr_log2 = F) head(het_result$sampleID)
#> [1] "sample1" "sample2" "sample3" "sample4" "sample5" "sample6"
het_result$input_expr[1:5,1:5] # expression values used as input
#> sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 #> gene1 1.2553171 -0.03420972 3.982986 5.9166836 5.5795243 #> gene2 -1.4372636 2.11799795 3.182873 -0.2971363 0.4746558 #> gene3 0.9944287 1.09024025 3.763126 4.1899031 0.5553416 #> gene4 1.6215527 3.72192036 3.442878 0.2738125 0.3384015 #> gene5 2.1484116 3.38209142 4.229840 1.9197492 2.2381836
head(het_result$input_age) # input ages
#> sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6 #> 30 27 20 39 51 36
head(het_result$usedAge) # ages used in calculations - transformation is applied using 'age_to' parameter
#> sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6 #> 10.229479 9.963551 9.243378 10.922935 11.680616 10.706533
het_result$resid_mat[1:5,1:5] # heterogeneity values (residual matrix)
head(het_result$feature_result) # summary statistics
#> # A tibble: 6 x 7 #> feature level_change level_change.p heterogeneity_c… heterogeneity_c… #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 gene1 0.0610 0.786 -0.0466 0.846 #> 2 gene2 0.00514 0.982 0.517 0.0210 #> 3 gene3 -0.00507 0.982 0.180 0.445 #> 4 gene4 0.171 0.443 0.310 0.183 #> 5 gene5 0.0390 0.862 0.149 0.530 #> 6 gene6 0.140 0.531 0.125 0.599 #> # … with 2 more variables: level_change.p.adj <dbl>, #> # heterogeneity_change.p.adj <dbl>